Events promotion
Multiplier event - Poland
We have completed the Build IT project!
In October WSBiNoZ organised a series of meetings to present the project achievements.
The main aim of the BuildIT! project was to support adult educators to improve their learning methods and teaching skills by applying innovative solutions - the Building Based Upskilling (BBU) methodology. The manual based on the innovative Building Based Upskilling methodology is fully developed. The workshop was held at the Academy of Business and Health Sciences on 25 and 28 October. Participants were introduced to the project's assumptions, as well as our greatest achievement, the guidebook. On 27 October, we also visited the Community Self-help Centre in Głowno, whose employees were actively involved in the project activities. They read with interest the final version of the handbook and were interested in the results of the pilot phases in other partner countries in Europe.
Multiplier event - Spain
During August and September 2022, two multiplier events were held in Spain, hosted by DAFO GESTIÓN ESTRATÉGICA, during which youth workers, youth leaders and animators were given the opportunity to learn about the "Buildit" project and all its content developed over two years.
The events were attended by 40 people who, once they had learned about the BBU methodology (created during the project) and seen the manual, were able to test the activities created in person.
Multiplier event - Italy
The last months of the project were devoted to dissemination activities to make the project known to interested potential target groups. Eurocrea Merchant organised the last multiplier event of the project which took place on 12 September at Istituto dei Sordi di Torino! 54 people attended the event, discovering what it means to train adults using game methodologies and learning about the Build your future project piece by piece, with its activities and results.
On this occasion, the project partnership, the project and its objectives were presented, as well as all the work done over the past two years. In detail, we presented the BBU methodology and the manual created, as well as all the pilot phases that helped us test and finalise the methodology and activities presented in the manual.
Multiplier event - Slovakia
On 27.09.2022 TopCoach, Bulidit's Slovak partner, organised the final, multiplier event of the BuildIt project in Slovakia. It was an opportunity to share the work done over two years and the results achieved with its public.
Over 42 participants, including youth workers, facilitators, trainers, and educators, learned about the project's goals and intellectual outputs at this event. They also got the option to participate in a practical exercise that represented one BBU activity. Participants submitted comments on the event at the conclusion of the events.
Multiplier events - France
As the Ligue de l'enseignement Nouvelle-Aquitaine works on a vast territory, the NGO decided to organise several multiplier events in different places. The objective is to present the project to several profiles of participants (educators, trainers, animators) from different structures, to facilitate exchanges and obtain qualitative feedback from participants.
During these events, 60 participants, youth workers, facilitators, trainers, educators, discovered the project, the 2 pilot phases and their results, the BBU manual and its strategic activities. The participants also experienced one BBU activity and exchange on the methodology. At the end of the events, each participant received the BBU methodology handbook.
Number of participants
29 June 2022
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
CIFOP - 135 Bd Salvador Allende, 16340 L'Isle-d'Espagnac
06 Juy 2022
2 pm - 5 pm
Irfrep - Agency 2 rue René Cassin, 17100 Saintes
13 September 2022
1:30 pm - 4 pm
Centre socioculturel Les Etoiles - 7 rue Colette Besson, 33140 Villenave-d'Ornon
22 September 2022
9 am - 12:30 pm
Base de loisirs - Rue du Plan d'Eau 16710 Saint-Yrieix-sur-Charente
26 September 2022
9 am - 12:30 pm
Fal Corrèze - 4 Imp. Pièce Saint-Avid, 19000 Tulle
Schedule of the event
・Welcome of participants
・Presentation of the BBU methodology
・12 key transversal competences for employability
・ Target groups & Objectives
・An innovative methodology
・Results, impact and sustainability
・Presentation of the results of the experimental phases
◦ Pilot phase 1: training of adult trainers
◦ Pilot phase 2: testing of activities by adult learners
・Presentation of
◦ BBU methodology manual
◦ Complementary documents
・Testing of 1-2 BBU activities
・Activity 1: acquisition/learning of a transversal competence with puzzle
・Activity 2: acquisition / learning of a transversal competence with building blocks
・Discussion / Questions and answers
The event ended with the distribution of the BBU manual to the participants. The main feedback is very positive. BBU methodology seems interesting and relevant. Participants declared use it in future courses with different audiences.