Partners meetings
TPM - Milan, Italy
On the 8th and 9th September 2022, the BuildIT partners met in Milan, Italy for the fifth and final transnational project meeting!
Hosted by Eurocrea Merchant, the partners discussed the last activities related to: the project:
・in particular the multiplier events,
・the financial issues of the project closure,
・the activities related to quality monitoring,
・the dissemination of the achieved results and promotion of the project, and also after its conclusion.
The partners finalised the Handbook and are in the process of concluding the final stages of the project. The consortium is satisfied with the results achieve and will work to keep the Handbook and the BBU methodology alive after October.
TPM - Bordeaux, France
On the 24th and 25th of March 2022, the consortium met in Bordeaux, France. This 4th Transnational Partnership Meeting was an opportunity for the partners to discuss about the evaluations and feedbacks of the pilot phase 2.
Hosted by Ligue de l'Enseignement Nouvelle-Aquitaine, the partners worked on the final report of the evaluations carried out by the adult learners and adult educators who tested 12 BBU activities. The data from the report will allow the partners to modify the handbook, to improve the BBU methodology: t make it more relevant and appropriate for adult learners.
The consortium also discussed the implementation of the multiplier events, as well as the upcoming communication actions (the next newsletter will present a summary of the report of the pilot phase 2).
The project is becoming more and more concrete! The consortium is looking forward to presenting its BBU methodology manual to you!!
TPM - Bratislava, Slovakia
On 25 and 26 August 2021, the consortium met in Bratislava, Slovakia. This TPM - Transnational Partnership Meeting - was an opportunity for the partners to meet physically for the first time, except for Eurocrea Merchant who was not able to travel and participated in the meeting via remote connection.
Hosted by Topcoach, the partners worked on the data collection of the pilot phase 1 (feedback from educators trained in the BBU methodology).
The implementation of the pilot phase 2 (the testing of BBU activities by adult learners) was also discussed. As with pilot phase 1, the aim will be to gather information to improve the BBU methodology to make it even more relevant and appropriate for adult learners.
Finally, the consortium discussed the communication and dissemination actions related to the project.
The project is moving forward and taking shape!
Transnational Meeting
On the 17th and 18th of March 2021, we organised our 2nd Transnational Partners Meeting, which was supposed to be held in Spain, in Medina del Campo (town of the Spanish partner). Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we organise it online.
Using interactive presentations, videos and online tools such as Google Jamboard and Kahoot, we managed to emerge in a cultural virtual tower of Medina del Campo, as well as to get to know each other better through some exercices.
This meeting was very fruitful and helped us to evaluate and conclude the work done so far on the BBU strategic activities, and to progress with the upcoming activities which are related to the Handbook and the creation of the Training Plan, as well as the preparation of the Pilot 1 Phase.
The launch of BuildIT! project
During two days the partners met to launch BuildIT! project: intensive work during the first partner meeting. We have two years of cooperation ahead of us, during which we will develop a set of activities to develop and train competences useful in the labour market on the basis of working with blocks, puzzles and other teaching materials, which will then create a handbook. Our direct target group will be educators and trainers working with young people out of the education system, with no additional training or work (NEETs) and low skilled adults. The partner institutions come from countries with different rates of participation in adult education. These are France, Italy, Spain and Slovakia. The coordinator of the project is a Polish institution - the Academy of Business and Health Sciences in Łódź.