Reports & Handbook



The main result of the project is now available! BuildIT!'s handbook is an educational tool based on the innovative methodology of Building Based Upskilling. 

It aims to support under-qualified adult learners to "understand abstract concepts and the fast-changing demands in the labor market" such as upgrading adult educators' skills with "innovative educational tools, design new models and educational resources" and more!!

Handbook cover
Handbook back cover

Report pilot phase 2

The partners finalised the report of the pilot phase 2. It gathers the BBU activities tested with adult learners from August 2021 to January 2022! 

Capture d’écran 2022-06-03 à 16.28.12
Capture d’écran 2022-06-03 à 16.32.54

Summary of the Report pilot phase 2

The partners finalised the report of the pilot phase 2. Find out the summary of this report to learn the rating of key information such as the audience, the feedback on activities, recommendations and more!

Capture d’écran 2022-06-10 à 15.44.13
Capture d’écran 2022-06-10 à 15.44.24

 Report pilot phase 1

The first report of the project is now available! It gathers the results of the evaluation to the Pilot Phase 1. It helps the partners to understand how the BBU methodology is perceived by adult educators and more!

Cover Pilot phase 1
Back cover Pilot phase 1