Leaflet & Newsletters


#Newsletter 6 

BuiltIT! last newsletter is finally out! Find out the final steps of the project development with meetings and events across Europe!  

Newsletter 6 ENGL1
Newsletter 6 ENGL2

#Newsletter 5 

Guess what? The second pilot phase has been implemented and tasted with 670 learners and 12 BBU activities!  Learn more about its aim in the newsletter and the last activities 

BuildIT Newsletter5 ENGLISH 1
BuildIT Newsletter5 ENGLISH 2

#Newsletter 4 

The partners received the first feedback of the training of adult educators from the pilot phase 1 and the 2nd phase has begun! You can also find out in this 4th newsletter the interview of an adult educator to know how she designed and worked with the BBU methodology. 

BuildIT Newsletter4 ENGLISH 1
BuildIT Newsletter4 ENGLISH 2

#Newsletter 3 

The project is moving forward and taking shape! Different successful BBU methodology training has occurred lately with educators for the pilot phase 1 to let place to the pilot phase 2 until November! Learn more in the 3rd newsletter. 

BuildIT Newsletter3 ENGLISH 1
BuildIT Newsletter3 ENGLISH 2

#Newsletter 2 

Catch up on the last activities of BuildIT! project. The partners worked hard to establish the strategic activities of the BBU methodology and much more to discover in the 2nd newsletter!

Capture d’écran 2021-06-29 à 12.36.59

#Newsletter 1 

Take a glimpse at our first newsletter, to know more about the first activities we worked on to develop BuildIT!, such as the future ones!

1st newsletter of the BuildIT project – adult education – innovative methodology 1
1st newsletter of the BuildIT project – adult education – innovative methodology 2

BuildIT! Leaflet

We designed this leaflet in 7 European languages, it assembles the crucial information to acknowledge about BuildIT!. 


You can now download it to identify in the blink of an eye, our purpose, objectives, methodology, target groups and partnership!

Cover BuildIT! leaflet